A nod to the Planets and the Gods and Goddesses that rule them – in lean more towards information, spells and rituals, we have combined the expressive format of Symposium with a side of Concoctionary content to make a series on Planet Magick called ARKTOI EN ALT.

The ancient concept of Arktoi, extended to the modern hearth that encompasses all walks of Life, concocted an ethos:

Arktoi en Alt = “En” (meaning “in”) + “Alt” (meaning “everything”)


Let’s Get Retrograde

Our 1st installation focused on Mercury and emphasized a “survival guide” for the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, available exclusively to our Patrons and paid Substack subscribers.


The Sensual World

Our 2nd installation, THE SENSUAL WORLD, in honor of Venus, is now available for purchase.